A loan helped to repair the ceiling and install windows and doors.

Ahmad's story

Ahmad is 24 years old. He lives at the family house in Deir al-Ghusun. Deir al-Ghusun is a Palestinian town in the Tulkarm Governorate, located eight kilometers northeast of the city of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank. The town is near the Green Line. The town had a population of 8,242 in 2007.

He works in the public sector. His dream is to fund his marriage and repair a house to live there.

Ahmad's family lacks the money to do some work on the house, so he applied to Ryada for a loan to repair the ceiling to prevent the rain water from flowing in. This will improve the house and make it better, and he also wants to install windows and doors.

Ahmad said that this loan will help him a lot and he is very grateful to everyone who helps him.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details