A loan helped a member to drill a well for 250 families in the town of Puntiti.

Asociacion De Agua Oriental - Eden Group's story

The Asociación de Agua Oriental – Edén is located in Puntiti in the Sacaba municipality. It is currently comprised of 187 members who have connection to the water distribution system. This was financed years ago by the government and with contributions from each one of the neighbors. This is for the drilling of a well and an elevated storage tank.

It is now suffering from sedimentation, and the flow is drying up. That is why, in assembly, they resolve to sign a contract with a company to drill a well. They need 80,000 liters of water a day, and they need to build an elevated tank to keep and distribute the water. To do this, they have part of their resources in a savings account. However, in order to complete the amount, they need a loan.

The neighborhood has grown to more than 250 families. Currently, the are not covering the difference because of supply. It is a neighborhood that, little by little, and with their own contributions, is addressing different works of improvement in order to achieve a better quality of life for all of the families that live in the community.

The board of directors is comprised of Martha, Ada, Rosario, and Rober. They are the representatives for the administration. Rober was not able to appear in the photo above.

In this group: Ramiro Rober, Lizite Martha, Rosario, Ada Leonor

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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