A loan helped a member to purchase clothing and toys for sale.

Creando Futuro Group's story

In the photo, Luis appears on the right side, crouched down on his legs, and he is wearing a blue jacket. He belongs to the “Creando Futuro” [Creating the Future] Communal Bank located in Villarrica. The members of this communal bank have various businesses such as selling new clothing, sandwiches, and clocks. Luis’s business is selling clothing and toys, which began some time ago out of necessity and because he had learned it when he went to the fair. His challenge is to be able to establish himself in his clothing business. He will use the money that he is requesting to purchase more clothing, and he knows that the business will go well because he has many customers. What has pleased him the most about being able to work together with “Fondo Esperanza”, is being able to apply for a loan.

In this group: Gloria Isabel, Constanza Beatriz, Rosa Amelia, Franklin Alejandro, Luis Mauricio, Victor Andres, Edith Irene, Gladys Dina, Cristina Massiel, Margarita Alejandra, Jazmin Catherine, Karla Evelyn, Ana Luisa, Juan Pablo, Marco Eliseo, Jhonathan Mauricio

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eleanor Francoletti-Putz.

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