A loan helped to buy wholesale supplies (fabrics, elastic, buttons, thread, etc.).

Gloria Argemira's story

Gloria is a married woman with 4 children whom she has gotten ahead with great effort, patience, and dedication. She's been a homemaker as well as a seamstress, which she learned from her mother. She started by making her own wedding dress of her dreams. Now she's 58 and has been in business for 37 years. She has her own workshop, situated in the comfort of her house, where she offers her services to others. She's been making income to help her husband out with family finances.

The loan Gloria is seeking will help her continue to strengthen her business. She needs to buy supplies wholesale, like fabric, elastic, buttons, thread, etc., to fill all her orders in a timely fashion. With high-quality materials she'll be able to drastically improve sales and the income she receives for her work.

Gloria's goal is to prove and strengthen her business, and in the near future delegate the job to her children so they can be the ones to keep up the small business that she started up with such dedication and sacrifice. In addition she says she wants to enjoy a peaceful old age in the company of all of those she loves.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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