A loan helped pay for an oven to prepare meat for her business.

Josefa's story

Josefa is a microentrepreneur who is a client of Kubo Financiero and this is her story:

Josefa is 41 years old, married and has one son. She has a business selling tacos outside a busy bus terminal for the last 11 years.

Her stall is fixed and she sells suadero tacos, sausages, alambres ( chicken & bacon tacos) & tripas (small intestines). Her husband supports her in the stall and they also have an employee. Their clients are long term customers and the majority of them are drivers from the terminal.

This loan is to pay for an oven to prepare the meat, which she has already ordered from a blacksmith. Thanks to her efforts with her business, Josefa is managing to fix up her house little by little and her challenge is to finish this project.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ines Teles.

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