Sandra is 31 years old and in a common-law marriage. She lives with her husband and their sons, who are 15, 13, 11, and 8 years old. She lives in the Ventanas canton, in the Los Ríos province. The communal bank is called "Asociacion Montubios Ventanilla Norte", and is located in the Ventanilla Norte province, in the Ventanas canton. Its residents work in agriculture and livestock.
Sandra makes a living in agriculture and has grown corn and rice for many years. She makes her purchases in Ventanas and sells them in the same market.
She is requesting a loan to purchase manure, urea, and liquid fertilizers for her corn and rice crops. The loan will help her to increase her profits for her family's use and to invest. Her dream is to purchase a home. She likes to work and iron.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Meghan Rishel. View original language description.