A loan helped to buy fabrics.

Javohir's story

Javohir is a hardworking and conscientious woman. Javohir is married and is raising four children. For 11 years already, she has been involved in her own business. She is an experienced dressmaker. Javohir sews national women's dresses, national mattresses and shawls. Javohir has her regular customers. She offers her serves at a high level and in a timely manner. Thanks to her hard work and honesty, she has a good reputation among the local population. Javohir is requesting a loan of 6,000 somoni to purchase fabrics.

She is a repeat customer of IMON and has a good credit history. She repaid her other loans on time.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer JD Bergeron.

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