A loan helped to buy clothes, sheets, shoes and more.

María Fernanda's story

The "Calle 1 de Enero" loan group meets every fortnight in the Montecristi canton, an area known for its rich, pre-colonial culture and for its artisan products which are known nationally and internationally. It is from here that the famous Panama hat comes.

And it is here that 33-year-old María lives. She is married and has three children, aged ten, eight and four years old respectively. The two oldest children attend school while the youngest is in nursery. María's husband works for a private business.

With the intention of earning some money on her own and in order to be able to help her husband to get ahead, María works selling clothes, all types of shoes, bedsheets, duvets and other products. She sells from door-to-door and also sells from her home, where customers visit her. María sometimes sells on credit and so does not always have the capital that she needs to buy merchandise. At these times, the loans are of great help to María. María has been running this business for five years and, with her income, she is able to pay for her children's education.. Her children are the most important thing in María's life.

This loan will used to buy clothes, sheets, shoes and other items to sell. María has been with the loan group since the beginning and she likes it because they allow her to finance her business. María's dream is to give her children the best that she can.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

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