A loan helped a member to purchase hybrid seed and fertilizer for the cultivation of maize, millet, and sorghum.

Joseph's Group's story

Joseph is a member of the group in Webuye District. He is pictured here in a group of seven One Acre Fund group leader farmers. The group leaders represent a total of 69 individual One Acre Fund farmers who are not pictured here. Joseph has been selected to act as the Kiva group representative and is standing on the right with his hand raised. He and the other farmers represented in this group are each receiving ¼ acre of maize and ¼ acre of sorghum or millet to cultivate. Each farmer is receiving an average input loan of 5,349 KES for maize, millet, and sorghum cultivation.

Joseph is married and has seven children. He is 52 years old and is known as friendly, hardworking, reliable, trustworthy, and an experienced farmer. He is active in his community in the men's group, savings group, prayer group, and burial committee. Joseph has been a farmer for 23 years. He described his harvest as excellent last year, but believes he can have an even better one this year by continuing to work with One Acre Fund.

Joseph joined One Acre Fund in 2011 and is now enrolling in the Long Rains 2014 season as a group leader. He joined One Acre Fund so that he could get the best seed prices, learn new farming methods, obtain fertilizer and hybrid seeds, and earn enough to feed his family and send his children to school.

Since Joseph likes being a leader and an active community member, he wants to help more farmers and spread the story about One Acre Fund farmers. Joseph has become more involved with One Acre Fund as a group leader and Kiva representative. Working with One Acre Fund has improved Joseph's life because he has more profits from harvest, farm training, and farm group support. He was able to save money and feed his family. In the future, Joseph hopes that his profits from 2014 can be used to send his children to school, to repair the home, to save for the future, to buy a cow, and to invest in a business.

Joseph and his group need a loan to cover the initial costs of purchasing the seeds and fertilizer through One Acre Fund. One Acre Fund will repay the Kiva loan on behalf of the farmers through the profits from the farmers’ harvests. One Acre Fund pre-purchases the seeds and fertilizer when prices are low and passes the cost savings to the farmers. Throughout the planting and harvesting season, One Acre Fund also provides training and support to the farmers as they make payments back to One Acre Fund. With support from One Acre Fund and your loan, these farmers will have a chance at a successful harvest, increased profits, and improved lives.

The field officer is also included in the photo and is standing on the left of the photo.

In this group: Joseph, Nyongesa, Catherine, Violet, Everlyne, Mary, Everlyne

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details