A loan helped to buy a cow, two bulls, several piglets and a lot of animal fodder.

Gagik's story

Gagik once liked the deal with Kiva lenders and for the second time he wants to take a loan. He lives in the village Getahovit which is in the Tavush region. His two sons are already grown up and the elder is fulfilling his military service with the army. As Gagik used to, he is still doing cargo transfers; he has a truck that he uses to carry cargo for individual and contract orders, but farming and agriculture still brings the main part of income for his family. In his nice farm he has six cows, two calves, five piglets, twenty chickens and large nice orchard. Gagik sells very tasty cheese made of his own, milk, meat and different dairy products and also fruits from his garden. All these are results of Gagik’s and his wife’s devoted work with great hope, this time to have more profit than the previous time.
For his second loan Gagik asks a loan of 1.100.000 Armenian drams in order to buy a cow, two bulls, several piglets and a lot of animal fodder.

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