A loan helped buy agricultural supplies to support her coffee crops.

Enma's story

Enma is a hardworking woman who is 54 years old. She is married, and she has only completed three years of primary education. It was because of her family's poor economic status that she could not continue studying.

Enma is the mother of two children who live in separate homes, and who help her occasionally with her coffee crops, cutting and harvesting the beans. Enma has a lot of experience in the cultivation of coffee because she learned at a very early age from her parents, and she has been performing this trade with her husband for more than 28 years.

She also does other things to generate income for her family such as selling cow's milk as well as dairy products. The land that she cultivates was given to her by her parents, and it is located three kilometers from her home, which she can reach walking, sometimes dressed for her work fertilizing and cleaning the crops.

She and her husband are the only ones involved in this business, and they pay for labor because they don't have enough strength to do it by themselves. Enma hopes to have an excellent harvest because this is what the economy of her home depends on -- selling the output to the intermediaries who come to her town and the different stores in the area.

This is why she needs financing to purchase fertilizers, liquid plant food, and labor that will be able to support her coffee cultivation and generate more income. Enma will also be able to reach her goals of continuing to expand her coffee crops, improve her home because it needs maintenance, and to keep strengthening her heritage for her children, grandchildren, and further generations.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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