A loan helped purchase seeds to increase next year's production.

Irma's story

Irma is 45 years old; she lives with her husband and her last daughter, who is 15. She is a hard working woman who practices agriculture for a living in order to help her partner with family expenses. As of very early in the morning, she goes out to water her farmland. She has been in the business for more than 40 years, since she helped her parents with the same kind of labor. A farmer has to wait several months before seeing the fruits of his/her labor. This does not discourage Irma, since she enjoys cultivating and harvesting her products. What limits her are the prices of fertilizers that she needs to improve her production and have a good harvest. Irma hopes to be able to help her daughter with an education, which motivates her to continue working. She will invest in the purchase of seeds, so she can possibly increase her production for next year. Her goal is to be a great farmer and transport her products to closer cities.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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