A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and seeds for her farmland.

Rom's Group's story

Rom, 35, lives with her husband and five children in a village in the Ek Phnom district of Battambang province, Cambodia. Two of her children are in school. To make a living, she and her husband have been farming rice and growing watermelon for more than 10 years, and they supplement the family’s income by catching fish.

Rom has been with Kiva’s partner, VisionFund, for six loan cycles and has paid back the loans completely. With the loans from VisionFund, she has managed to improve her livelihood and keep her children in school. Now she is asking for another loan. Rom will use her portion to buy fertilizer and seeds for her farmland. With this loan, she hopes to increase her family’s income so as to make a better living.

In this group: Rom, Veat

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