A loan helped to buy food and medicine for her pigs.

Santa Noris's story

In the area of Quiroga in the city of Calceta, the people work mostly in agriculture. They grow animals and sell their products. Every 15 days the group called El Grupo De Crédito Santa Lucia De Quiroga gets together.

This is the region in which Santa lives. She is 34 years old, she is married, and she has two children that are 14 and 17 years old. They both study - one in college and the other in school. Her husband operates a barge.

Santa needed to earn money to be able to help with the household expenses, which include the cost of education for her children, and so she began raising pigs. She has a corral where she feeds them until she can sell them to merchants or sometimes she sells them to her neighbors and families in the region. For her, this is a way to earn her own money without leaving home.

This loan is to buy food and medicine for the pigs. She has been part of the group since it began and she likes the group because the loans always go to helping people get by. She dreams to provide a better life for her children.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Andrea Connelly.

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