A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer for her crop.

Sovan's Group's story

Sovan is a young mother of one schoolchild, living in the Thmor Koul district of Battambang province. To earn a living she grows paddy rice, which is her main source of income. She also works for others for a fee to earn additional income. Sovan has been involved in her current business for more than 10 years.

This is not the first loan for Sovan with VisionFund (Kiva’s Field Partner). She wisely managed her past loan, which was fully repaid successfully on time. Now she leads a group consisting of five borrowers requesting a new loan. The total amount of the group loan is 2,700,000 KHR, of which 700,000 KHR is Sovan's portion. She will spend her loan portion to buy fertilizer for her crop. She hopes that she can gain a good yield from her crop so that she can make more income to better her lifestyle.

In this group: Sovan, Chuotny, Vannak, Dun, Kea

Loan details

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Loan details