A loan helped a member buy potato seeds.

15 De Agosto Group's story

The communal association "15 DE AGOSTO" begins its third cycle in Pro Mujer, as a part of the Centro Focal de Achacachi. It is comprised of nine members and is led by a directive board of which Hilda is the President. Among the various businesses which the members carry out are: selling fish, weaving blankets, selling cheese, selling food, and selling fruit.

The loan that they will take out will benefit small micro-entrepreneurs of which Hilda is a member. She indicates that this is the first time that she has joined Pro Mujer, having joined by an invitation of a promoter who visited her home. Today she has a farming business; she discloses that she learned this business from her parents as it is a family business. When she married, she decided to start an independent business.

The loan that she is taking out now is for capital increase (buying potato seeds) that she will acquire from vendors of the City of La Paz and then to the cultivation of what she will market in her retail space. This kind of work allows her to generate resources to support her family, as she is married and has two children.

When she was asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she responded that she likes the savings that are made in the group.

In this group: Hilda, Celia, Tomasa, Juana Rosalia , Julia, Milma Yolanda , Bernardino, Ema Albertina , Carmela Adela

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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