A loan helped to rent land and buy supplies.

Maritza Araceli's story

Maritza is a farmer from the department of Ahuachapan. She has a partner and three children between the ages of 14 and 21. Her two dependent children are currently going to school. Maritza went to school until the sixth grade because she had to work in order to help her parents farm.

She has 23 years of experience planting corn, sorghum, and beans. This work has allowed her to take care of her family with the income she makes through the sale of these products. She does not have her own land to plant, which is why she is requesting the loan with ACAF in order to pay to rent land that will allow her to continue working in the field. It will also allow her to improve her children's quality of life. She wants them to continue studying in order to become professionals.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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