Nelsi is 23 years old. At her young age she is a single mother of two precious daughters who are 5 and 2 years old. She only has her mother to help support her with the care of her children while she works because her father died when she was a young girl. Because of this she has to work very hard to provide sustenance to her home.
Currently, Nelsi works producing tortillas. She has performed this activity for three years. She thinks that she has a gift because her product is coveted by her customers. Her goal is to increase the size of her business.
She is seeking this loan to purchase a larger griddle that will allow her to increase her production in an agile way in order to bring better services to her customers. In addition, she intends to purchase clothing to obtain other earnings in her spare time. Through these means she will improve her living conditions and those of her family.
Her goal is to grow her business which will let her work for the future of her daughters. She told us that she does not know of an activity that is more productive that the one she is doing. She is both the father and the mother of her children, but it is not an obstacle in the way of her achieving her goals in the future.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emily Hildreth. View original language description.