A loan helped to buy supplies at wholesale (pastries, dairy products, cold cuts, cookies, chocolates, coffee, toiletries, grains etc).

Rosa Adela's story

Rosa has had her own business, a grocery store, for the past 13 years.

It started as a way for her to generate income when her family was going through an economic crisis after her husband passed away.

Since then she has taken care of her three children and all the household costs.

She has worked since she was very young since her family has had these types of businesses. She offers all kinds of day to day products and she works every day of the week in order to take advantage of the fact that her customers are used to buying food on a daily basis. This way she generates enough income to feed her children and have basic household needs.

She is requesting a loan to buy supplies at wholesale (pastries, dairy products, cold cuts, cookies, chocolates, coffee, toiletries, grains etc) this way she can have a larger variety of products to satisfy the increasing demand during the Christmas season.

This will increase her profits and Rosa can get closer to her goal of expandingher business and can generate employment opportunities and improve the quality of life of her family as well as people involved in the business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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