A loan helped to buy a wide variety of cloths in different colors and designs.

Hamida's story

Hamida is a 43-year-old, married woman and the mother of four children. She has been involved in the business of selling cloths for a period of about two years. She buys cloths of different fabrics in various colors and designs from the wholesale market and then sells them to the people of her community. She has a varied customer base and is able to earn enough through her business.

Hamida is requesting a 40,000 PKR loan from the Kashf Foundation to buy a wide variety of cloths in different colors and designs to attract more customers and expand her inventory. She expects a boost in her earnings with her loan and she plans to spend part of her profits on the betterment of her family members. She is in her 6th loan cycle with a good repayment history.

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