A loan helped to pay the tuition fees for the four years of her son’s bachelor degree.

Lorm's story

Living in a thatched roof house in a rural village of the Cheung Prey district of Kampong Cham province, Lorm is aged 52 years old and married. She and her husband earn a living through farming rice and they have been in this business for almost 33 years. With her current business, she is able to earn approximately 52,000 KHR per day to support her family.

Lorm, who has never been with VisionFund before, is seeking her first loan. She is going to use this loan for her children's education, by paying the tuition fees for the four years of her son’s bachelor degree majoring in Management. This loan will enable her to send her son to university and to keep him there. Lorm hopes that her children will have a good and bright future from these academic studies and earn a better living in the future.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details