A loan helped to pay for four-year-course fees at the university.

Rem's story

Rem is 53 years old and a mother of five children. She lives in Takeo province and appears in this photo with her husband and daughter who is a freshly graduated high school student this year. Rem cultivates rice on two hectares of farmland and sells her produce in the local markets. With the help of her supportive husband, she is able to make a normal income of USD 6.66 per day.

Rem is requesting a loan to help her daughter attend a university program in Phnom Penh. She will use the loan to pay the fee for a four-year course. Her daughter’s major is accounting and finance which the most popular subject for female students in Cambodia. Rem said she is a hardworking farmer who earns a living through physical labor and she doesn't want her children to follow her way of hardship. She will try her best to provide opportunities to educate each of her children after their graduation.

Rem is very happy and thankful for her loan funded via Kiva through its partner HKL to enable poor students to pursue a higher education and contribute to the future development of Cambodia.

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