A loan helped to purchase furniture and appliances to furnish his house and rent it out.

Ioseb's story

Ioseb is from the small town of Gori. He is 44 years old and married with three children. Ioseb also cares for his father who is in his seventies. The only income source for the family is a small monthly salary earned by Ioseb’s wife who works as a teacher at the local nursery school. Ioseb’s elder children are university students and they need to pay tuition fees. Ioseb has recently sold his own agricultural land and renovated the second floor of his old house to rent out.

Now Ioseb is requesting a loan to purchase furniture and appliances. He will furnish his house and plans to rent it out to foreigners at a good price. This initiative will increase his family's income and Ioseb will be able to give his children a good education. He hopes Kiva lenders will help his family.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details