A loan helped to purchase more clothes to sell.

Harriet's story

Harriet is 33 years old and lives in the town of Tororo in the Mbale region of Uganda. She has 2 children who are all currently in school. For the past 3 years, Harriet has been working hard to manage her boutique, which sells clothes.

To help expand her business, Harriet has requested a loan of 3,000,000 Ugandan shillings from BRAC Uganda. The loan will be used to purchase more clothes to sell, and will help Harriet to generate greater and increased profits and pay school fees. Harriet hopes that in the future she will be able to educate her children.

Harriet is a member of BRAC's Small Enterprise Program (SEP). The program primarily serves small entrepreneurs like Harriet who do not have enough collateral for commercial loans, but have businesses that have grown too large for microloans.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details