A loan helped to purchase an assortment of construction materials to sell in his store and to make previous credit repayments.

Rubik's story

Rubik is a young entrepreneur from the town of Spitak in the Lori region of Armenia. He lives with his wife, brother and parents.

Rubik and his father are the only breadwinners of the family and work really hard to make ends meet. To be able to meet his family’s needs, Rubik runs a small store with construction materials. Previously, he worked as a seller in a construction materials store, but he decided to run his own business. Rubik’s father works in the transportation sector.

The assortment of goods that Rubik sells in his store is not that big and needs to be updated from time to time for his small business to function in a sustainable way. To reach that goal, Rubik needs a loan of $3,000 USD. He will use the loan to purchase a new assortment of construction materials to sell in his store and to make previous credit repayments.

He and his family highly rely on the lenders' support and will be grateful to them for their goodwill in helping to collect the needed loan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details