A loan helped to purchase potatoes and carrots at wholesale for further retail sale in his hometown.

Alexander's story

Alexander lives in Vinogradovo with his wife and 8-year-old son. He works in agriculture, growing and selling vegetables. Mostly he sells potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, and also apples. Alexander rents a vending spot to sell his produce. Moreover, Alexander also grows cabbage and potatoes on his own big lot of land. Usually Alexander works on his land himself. He only hires employees during sowing and harvesting seasons.
Alexander is planning a trip to another region of Volyn to purchase potatoes and carrots at wholesale for further retail sale in his hometown. He is requesting a loan of 10,000 Grivnas to pursue that. One of Alexander’s biggest dreams is to open a vegetable store.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details