A loan helped a member to buy one bale of clothing.

Hodari Group's story

Bahati is an adviser in the Hodari loan group. A young, experienced and dynamic entrepreneur, she is 31 years old and has five children, who are all in school. Her husband is unemployed, although he occasionally makes commission on the sale of plots of land.

Bahati sells second-hand clothes. She sells her goods at a busy location and occasionally from home. She began her business with a loan from the Hekima microfinance institution and has been running this business for seven years.

This new loan will help her buy one bale of clothing. In this way, she hopes to send her children to school, expand her trading business and buy a plot of land.

Sales on credit and exchange losses are some of the challenges affecting the development of her business.

Finally, she would like to thank Hekima for promoting the independence of women entrepreneurs who cannot access the banking system, especially at this critical moment when war has broken out in the east of the country.

In this group: Kassi, Leonie, Kika, Munaga, Maneno, Christine, Kabeya, Kisenge, Martine, Marie, Faida, Philomene, Furaha, Issa, Lunyanya, Bahati, Sophie, Desire, Irene, Kagimbangabo, Dative, Charlotte, Wasukundi, Mazambi, Makasi, Tshinyama, Saidi, Mutaka, Machozi, Amadi, Kakuru, Aimerance, Wabisama, Kasi, Namegabe

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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