A loan helped to buy mobile phone accessories.

Luz Maria's story

When Luz María’s husband bought his mobile phone 8 years ago her neighbors saw how functional this was for communications and started to ask to borrow it or to sell them minutes of air time. Being very observant and noticing the need that existed in the sector, he proposed to Luz María that they buy mobile phones with ample plans to offer this service.

Their sales were good from the very beginning for she gradually established a regular clientele. She added all types of mobile phone accessories and associated services like carrying cases, chips, recharges, etc. to her business as well as candy, cookies, etc.

Today, she has a fixed point on the corner by her house where she lives with her husband; they have three adult children. Her main customers are neighbors and passers-by that frequent the area. Her goal for later on is to increase profitability and to have new service points.

Luz María at present is applying for a Kiva loan, her first financing from Fundación Mario Santo Domingo, that she’ll use to buy a display case, new carrying cases, batteries and mobile phones to increase income and profitability which will lead to her Kiva loan’s success.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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