A loan helped to purchase farming equipment and supplies.

Esnath's story

Esnath is a 25-year-old farmer currently living in Marondera. She is married and the mother of one child.

She started her business when she got married, and it has been running for two years. Her husband owns a small plot of land where she farms potatoes and sells them in Marondera and in Harare.

Esnath inspires young women in her community to take up farming as a business. She is requesting a loan of US$500 to purchase farming equipment, such as irrigation pipes, a pump, potato seeds, and herbicides.

She really loves farming and hopes to become a well-established and recognised supplier of potatoes. When the business expands, she will use the returns to cater to her family’s needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details