A loan helped to buy more clothing for her shop.

Memunatu's story

This is 42-year-old Memunatu. She is married and has four children aged 20, 17, 11 and 7. In 2008, Memunatu established her clothing and textiles business. She began her business just to support her children's education as her husband is late. Her business is located in the city center and her main customers are mostly women. Working seven days a week and 10 hours a day, she earns about Le 500,000 every month from this business. She would like a loan in the amount of Le 3,000,000. Memunatu requires a loan in order to pieces of wax cotton for Le 2,000,000 and pieces of dry cotton for Le 1,000,000. She hopes that this loan increases her stock level. In the future, Memunatu plans to educate her children and to improve her business. She thanks Kiva. She thanks you for your support.

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