A loan helped a member to buy wool.

Flor De Rosas Mariscal Group's story

The „FLOR DE ROSAS MARISCAL“ communal bank will begin its fourth loan cycle with Pro Mujer, through the Los Andes regional office. It is comprised of eight members and is lead by a board of directors of which Concepción is the president. The members of the communal bank carry out various businesses, amongst them knitting multi-colored wool cloth, selling kerosine, selling vegetables, selling food, running a neighborhood store, selling fish, and selling fried potatoes with hotdog.

The credit they are taking out will help the the women who run small businesses. One of them is Concepción. She states she has been with Pro Mujer for four years and joined when she was invited by one of the promoters of the institution who came to her home. At present, she has a business knitting multi-colored wool cloth. She says that she learned this business from her mother many years ago and after marrying she set up her own workspace.

The loan she will take out now is to increase her capital by buying wool, which she will buy from the markets in the city of El Alto. The products knitted from this wool she will sell in her sales stall. This form of work helps her to support her family, as she is married and has two children.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, Concepción saiys that she likes the savings the groups make.

In this group: Concepción Remedios, Paula Silvia , Agustina , Marcela, Alejandra , Maria Beatriz, Dominga, Maria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Vaethjunker.

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