A loan helped a member to buy yams and wheat flour.

Henriette's Group's story

This group is made up of four people who live in the same area. The representative of the group, Henriette (whose hand is raised in the photo), is 55 years old. Henriette did not go school. She is a widow without children, but she takes care of three [other] children. Henriette is responsible for the various household expenses.

To meet these needs, Henriette has been selling food (yam fries and beignets [a type of donut] made of wheat flour) from her home for thirty years. She procures her goods from a market in Benin. With the goal of strengthening her business, Henriette has joined with the other members of her group to seek their fourth loan from Alide. Their previous loans have all been repaid correctly.

In this group: Henriette, Sahawath, Nima, Agalè

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lindsay Ferrara.

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