A loan helped to buy spare phone parts and phone accessories for her son's repair shop.

Suong's story

Suong, 63 years old, has been a hard-working and determined farmer for many years. She is a widower and a mother of four adult children: two married children and two single children. They currently live together in a house in Kampong Rolea B’lier district of Kampong Chhnang province. Some of her children give her a helping hand in her farming business and the others work in various jobs and businesses in order to help cover the costs of living and to improve their living standards.

With the loan amount Suong has requested from Kiva lenders, she aims to support her son’s business of repairing phones. The loan will be used to buy spare phone parts and phone accessories for her son's repair shop. She hopes that, through the loan's help, her son will be able to go ahead in his business and make his business more viable and profitable in the future.

Suong thanks lenders for this constant support. She awaits your kindness and relies on your generosity.

Loan details

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