A loan helped to pay for car maintenance and home improvements.

Oswaldo's story

Oswaldo lives in the city of Pisco and is 39 years old. He is a man who has a great desire to get ahead. In order to put food on the table at home, Oswaldo works in an institution within his city. He also works as a rickshaw driver. With this he has extra money for his household expenses. Oswaldo believes that little by little he is getting ahead because he works hard and is responsible.

Oswaldo is grateful toward the Kiva lenders for the help that they are bringing him because with this help he will be able to cover his vehicle maintenance and also be able to make some repairs to his home's floor. In this way he will improve his earnings and his family's standard of living. He will continue working hard to fulfill his greatest dream: to have a dignified home.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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