A loan helped to buy fertilizer for her guava crop, pay for labor, and acquire bags for packaging the fruit.

Blanca Mercedes's story

Doña Blanca and lives in her own home with her children. She has been farming for many years and specializes in growing guavas. Blanca is a humble, educated, and hardworking person who has very good morals. She has a large established clientele thanks to the quality of her crops. Every day she sells in a very busy area where people are always looking for her products. This has allowed her to cover many of her expenses.

Doña Blanca is requesting a loan in order to buy fertilizer for her crops, pay for labor, and acquire bags for packaging the fruit. As a result, she will be able to improve her income and provide her family a better financial future.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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