A loan helped to purchase restaurant equipment, make tenant improvements, and supply working capital for day-to-day operation.

Mahideh's story

Mahideh, a Persian refugee from Iran, came to the United States on January 25, 2012. After completing the Welfare for Work program, Mahideh was not able to secure a full-time job. However, her entrepreneurial spirit constantly drives her to seek business opportunities.

Early in 2013, she visited the Valley Indoor Swap Meet in Panaroma City, California. Immediately her business instinct told her that it is a good business location. She spent many weeks at the swap meet to study the market, and her analysis was right. It is a perfect place to start her Persian food store. She contacted the Valley Indoor Swap Meet’s management; they liked her business proposal, and six months later she was able to secure a space in the swap meet.

Mahideh knew she had many hurdles to overcome, and her experience told her preparation is the key. She came to PACE Business Development Center seeking assistance. She needed a business start-up loan to purchase restaurant equipment, make tenant improvements, and supply working capital for her day-to-day operation.

Mahideh has a strong and supportive family. Her husband will continue his regular job and help her on his off days. Her teenage son and daughter also committed to help out in the restaurant. Mahideh’s goal is to have her husband, Bahram, work side by side with her again. Mahideh’s original plan was to name her business “Dream”, and she is realizing her “dream” through Tamli Kabob.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details