A loan helped a member to finish building his house and to purchase new furnishings (chairs, armoire, appliances, etc.) for it.

Institut Musawato Group's story

This client, Bukama, is the leader of the business collective of teachers from the Musawato Institute. He is the father of five children, who are students. His wife is also a teacher at a nursery school. Bukama makes a living from his work and is comfortable with his career, even though the salary is meager.

The new loan he is receiving from the microfinance institution Hekima is going to be used to finish construction on his house and to purchase new furnishings (chairs, armoire, appliances, etc.) for it. Thus, he would like to renew his loan soon and launch house-building plans for his renters. In conclusion, he thanks Hekima very much for its micro-credit support for teachers.

In this group: Marembo, Mihanda, Mushugu, Bukama, Bilemba, Mwemedi, Musongi, Shugushu, Matchiray, Mubake, Ebu'ela, Mubake, Buhendwa, Bugendabanga, Mcucwa, M'mbae

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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