A loan helped to buy wholesale supplies (milk and bags for packaging) and acquire a means of transportation (bicycle).

Ludys De Jesús's story

Ludys, 47 years old, lives in a common-law marriage with her romantic partner. She was born and raised in the country, where she learned country work, and thanks to that, today she makes and sells cheeses throughout the area of the city where she lives. In this way she obtains the resources necessary to contribute to the household economy. Her work starts early in the morning, when she rises to take out the product and then go out and sell it. She is a fighter, enthusiastic and humble. She is always looking for options that will allow her to continue making progress. Currently she is asking for the loan, with which she wants to buy wholesale supplies (milk and bags for packaging) and acquire a means of transportation (bicycle). In this way she will have products available to increase her production and she will be able to satisfy her current demand. She will also be able to deliver the orders in a more agile and timely way, which will be reflected in the increase of her sales and her income. This is how Ludys wants to continue advancing in order to be able to achieve the dream of making her business grow and turning it into a milk products distributor that is profitable and well-known in the area. This will allow her to acquire more economic resources with which she will be able to improve her living conditions and enjoy it alongside her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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