A loan helped to complete the purchase of a video game rental store and also to buy movies, baked goods and candy to sell there.

Mary Luz's story

Mary is 46 years old and is the single mother of a 26-year-old son who has a disability. During her working life, she has worked in various warehouses and supermarkets and has managed to generate enough income to cover the household expenses and the expenses of caring for her son who needs many medicines and medical appiontments. In her last job, she worked at a place that rents video games by the hour and also sells and rents movies. She worked there for six months and then lost her job. The owner of this business has put it up for sale, and Mary thinks that buying the business could be a good opportunity to make money. Moreover, she knows how to run it. This is why she is requesting the loan, as she wants to buy the business and also buy new stock of movies, baked goods and candy to sell. This will give her the opportunity to have a more stable source of income and to be able to keep an eye on her son, who needs a lot of attention and dedication. She will also be able to move forward to fulfill her goal of growing her new business and making it profitable so that she can reach a good level of financial stability and be able to provide comfort and a better quality of life for her son.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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