A loan helped a member to buy vicuña fiber.

10 Estrellas Del Norte Group's story

The “10 Estrellas Del Norte” communal bank will start its third cycle with Pro Mujer as part of the Alto Lima Centro Focal. It is comprised of eight members, and it is led by a board of directors. Lidia is the president. The businesses that the members of the communal bank carry out are varied and include a bakery, making cakes, spinning vicuña wool, neighborhood store, and selling vegetables.

The loan they will take out will benefit small businesswomen where Lidia is a member. She says that she has been a member of Pro Mujer for two years. She joined by invitation from a representative of the institution who went to visit her. She currently has a business spinning vicuña wool. She relates that she took over this business from her sister, starting with a small amount of capital. It has now grown a great deal with the loan that she got.

The loan that she will now take out is to buy vicuña fiber that she will get wholesale at the traditional fairs. After production she will sell at her sales space. This way of working allows her to generate resources to support her family. She is single and has one child.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she answered that she likes the saving, the loans, and the meetings.

In this group: Lidia, Marisol, Felicidad, Lidia , Luisa , Maria, Juana, María Elena

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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