A loan helped to purchase equipment to expand her line of products.

Heather's story

"I want to encourage women to feel beautiful from what they're wearing… It's truly a great source of pride. There is power in fashion," says Heather, owner and founder of Heather Who.

Heather is a young woman trying to create a more fulfilling life for herself by doing what she loves. As a little girl growing up, Heather remembers sitting on the couch with her mother every night watching movies starring lead female roles like Hepburn and Monroe. Inspired by these women, Heather set out to discover what made these women so strong.

Shortly after graduating college, Heather realized that she would never be satisfied working for other people so instead she followed her entrepreneurial spirit and decided to do what she loves in order to make a living. Starting off by just word of mouth, Heather was able to create some buzz and pull in clientele for her brand new custom clothing businesses. Rather than opening a retail store, Heather knew that she wanted to make customized clothes so that her customers could see their outfits from start to finish. "It's a great experience when you know who made the clothes, and then there's truly a story with it," says Heather.

By starting this business Heather hopes to empower women through fashion in her community and with this loan of $10,000, Heather will be allowed to produce a small ready-to-wear collection for her online store as well as doing marketing.

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