A loan helped to buy a cow.

Julia's story

Sixty-four-year-old Julia is a responsible woman. She lives with her husband Julián, whom she has been with for 40 years. Together they have nine children, but they only live with one of them in their home. Julia raises livestock for a living. She started this business 20 years ago raising cows. She now has five dairy cows and three bull calves that provide her with milk, which she makes into cheese; approximately 18 small balls of cheese daily. She and her husband work in farming. Their main crops are potato, broad bean, pea, and corn, which they maintain with great care as the profits they receive from their harvest depend on their treatment. She also tells us that she has started making incursions into raising roosters. Her current goal centers around improving her crops and her animals and she knows that with work and determination she will achieve it. This is her second loan with Kiva and she is thankful for the financial help she receives to get ahead.

Julia will use her 1,500 soles to buy a cow to improve her livestock.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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