A loan helped to purchase more inventories such as rice, charcoal, oil, etc., for her business.

Enphemia J.'s story

Enphemia J. is 49 years old and lives in Montserrado County, which has the largest free port and is the number-one commercial county in Liberia. She is single and has five children aged between 19 and 30; only one lives at home and attends school.

She is a high school graduate, and she described herself as a very hardworking woman. For the past five years, she has been operating a table from which she sells rice, charcoal, oil, etc., around the local market. She started this business with money from savings. She enjoys her business because she gets money to help other relatives sometimes. She sells six days in a week, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. A taxi is her favorite car she likes to use when it is needed.

She is requesting a loan to purchase more inventories such as rice, charcoal, oil. etc., for her business. Her plan is to build a house and educate her children.

Loan details

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