A loan helped a member to buy sheets, quilts and covers.

Las Merceditas Group's story

The Las Merceditas group is in its eighth cycle of the women's committee programme. It is a group that, thanks to its efforts and sacrifice, is improving the lives of its members. They are doing a survey on the eradication of poverty, as a way of getting to know the women thoroughly and getting a complete vision of their lives.

One of the member is Secundina, who had a red level of poverty in her last survey. This means she has insufficient resources. Among the work she does is selling bedsheets, quilts and covers. She also sells products from Argentina. It's also important to highlight the work of the assessors, who continuously follow up on the training and verifications required, and at the same time motivate the women to fight to succeed every day.

Secundina is requesting this loan to buy sheets, quilts and covers, which will help her to cement her business plan, in turn helping her to increase her earnings.

In this group: Secundina, Patricia, Eusevia, Luisa, Perla, Maria, Elsa, Susana, Elida, Fauta, Amanda, Juana, Juana, Alice, Ramona, Eligia, Maria, Ana, Mariela, Catalina, Lucila, Ramona, Josefa, Marina, Agustina, Veronica

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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