A loan helped a member to purchase incense, shoes, and perfume to sell.

Aminata's Group's story

This group was created on December 2012. It is composed of members from the same district. Their work involves commerce.

The one at the far left in the photo with her arm raised is the group's official. She is 25 years old, married, and the mother of a boy and a girl.

Her business involves selling incenses, shoes, and perfume.

With the loan money, she intends to purchase 10 bottles of perfume at 2,000 francs each, a 5-kg pot of incense at 15,000 francs, and 11 pairs of shoes at 15,000 francs.

The profits will enable her to reinvest, increase her savings, and help cover day-to-day expenses.

In this group: Aminata, Ada, Nor, Djiba Woury, Ndioba, Khady, Adama, Fatou, Aminata, Awa, Awa, Ndeye Siga, Devele, Gas, Awa, Awa, Khady, Mareme, Fatou Bineta, Rocky, Mariama, Diouly, Astou, Awa, Bintou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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Lenders and lending teams

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