A loan helped a member to buy the equipment for the production of cakes and pastries.

Flamboyan I Group's story

Flamboyan I group successfully completed their first cycle with a loan from Kiva and is running smoothly. With that loan in the first cycle, their businesses began to flourish. For this second cycle, there is little change in membership; the number of members is reduced by 1 and there is also a new member. Currently, the membership is 13 members in the 2nd cycle of Flamboyan i group.

Besides the same types of business as in the first cycle, selling traditional foods such as egg rolls, 'arem-arem', 'wet pastel' (like empanadas), 'gethuk lindri', branches 'Gesing, nagasari', there is also a business selling clothes. With the loan this time, they will increase the types of food and the types of business of the group members.

Titi is still the leader of this group, because she can provide encouragement to its members, so that, as in the first cycle, the loan repayment can run smoothly for every member. Titi still has a small business making food such as 'wet pastel', 'dry pastel' and egg rolls. Kiva loans benefit her for this; it is very meaningful to her life with her husband and two children.

Titi hopes cycle 2 will run smoothly and the group's members' businesses can grow even more. With the loan this time, she will buy the equipment for the production of cakes and pastries.

In this group: Titi, Sawinah, Sudirah, Satisem, Puji, Asmaniah, Samikem, Karwen, Tugiyem, Sukiyem, Yuyun, Rodiyah, Sartinah

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details