A loan helped to buy a stainless steel table, a refrigerator and to make site improvements.

Carmen Julia's story

Carmen, 64, is married and mother of three children. Since a very young age she’s worked selling milk, cheese and ‘quesito’ [Colombian soft cheese] that she makes herself. She learned this activity from her mother since they lived on a dairy farm. In this way, Carmen has earned income sufficient to provide daily sustenance at home and to move her children forward.

Carmen’s a very hardworking woman who spends many hours a day manufacturing her products to then sell and earn income. She’s currently asking for the loan to do some site improvements to the space she works in, to buy a stainless steel table and a refrigerator to store the products she makes prior to selling them. This is how Carmen seeks opportunities day to day to reach her main dream of making home improvements to have better quality of life and a tranquil old-age.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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