A loan helped purchase supplies, urea fertilizers, and compost, and pay for a helping hand.

Jessica Jacinta's story

Jessica is 41 years old and divorced. She has two children. She lives with her parents and son in the city of Ventanas in the province of Los Rios.

She is a member of VRC Bruniquilde communal bank, which is located in Recinto Calabi, in the canton of Ventanas. They work in agriculture.

Jessica works in agriculture, planting corn and rice. She is requesting this loan to purchase supplies, urea fertilizer, and compost, and pay for a helping hand.

The purchases will be made in the city of Ventanas. With the help of the loan, she will be able to have better revenues and purchase what she needs for production.

Challenges face her, such as plagues and other infestations. Her dream is to travel in an airplane. In her free time, she likes to go out with her family and play sports.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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