A loan helped to buy a lot of rsw material for her sewing business in order to manage her orders of uniforms and bedclothes.

Zhasmen's story

Zhasmen lives in Yerevan with her two daughters. The elder one is married and she lives separately with her family. Zhasmen is a widow and she with her second daughter have to work very hard in order to earn their living. Zhasmen used to work as a teacher at the school, but since her husband has passed away she became seriously worried about her daughters living conditions and future, so she established her own business right in her house; in a very short period of time she became a skilled and good dressmaker.

She mainly works on private order; she makes both men and women clothes (trousers, shirts, dresses). Zhasmen’s daughter also helps her if there are a lot of orders so she does not have to manage it alone. Recently she has taken a large order of uniform and bedclothes sewing. She will send the prepared products to the Russian Federation. The order is a very large one but the income also will be decent and Zhasmen with her daughter are very interested in making the order on time and properly.

Zhasmen has already taken one loan from Nor Horizon and it is her first deal with Kiva lenders and she says that she is sure that it will be a continuous cooperation with great profit both for her and for Kiva lenders as well. She asks for a loan in order to buy a lot of raw material for her sewing business, especially for the last order of uniforms and bedclothes.

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