A loan helped a member to pay for plowing, seeds, fertilizer, herbicide, weeding, and small equipment.

Sabougnouma Iii Group's story

The 10 members of the group called SABOUGNOUMA III are married women with an average age of 41 and on average five children. They mostly live in polygamous families in Manakoro, one of the villages of the community of Guégnaka, prefecture of Dioîla, region of Koulikoro, second administrative region of Mali.

They collaborate with the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso with the goal of being better able to organize their activities at the start of the rainy season. The crops grown are peanuts, millet, and beans. They are on their seventh loan with the institution.

With this loan, Mamou, the first person standing on the right, intends to buy farm inputs, small equipment, and pay for plowing etc. to maintain about one hectare of millet and peanuts. Her produce is sold in the town of Fana, after the harvest, to a clientele composed of men and women. She expects to make a profit of 45,000 F CFA per growing season.

In this group: Molobaly , Kadia , Awa Wari , Sitan Foune , Awa , Oumou , Djeneba, Awa , Mamou, Achata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Teresa Kramer.

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